Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Under Great White Northern Lights

First off, the new White Stripes film is as good as expected.
Now, I am not a huge WS fan as it is. I like their music to a point, but for me it can get a bit tiresome after a while. I mean, really, how much can you really do musically when you have painted such a small box for yourselves as they have?
That being said, I loved this film. Even if you are less of a WS fan than I am- I think you will be captivated by this documentary. More than just a concert film, UGWNL is a travelogue of Jack & Meg's 2007 tour of Canada. The places they visit and the people they meet are as much of a part of this film as the music itself. For a casual fan, it creates a very interesting parallel to the music. And fortunately, Jack & Meg are very captivating subjects.
At times humerous, and other times surprisingly insightful, Jack dominates the commentary here, at one point even poking fun at this fact by goading Meg to speak up and let her voice be heard during an interview. Meg, in her typically shy manner, rarely says much at all, choosing instead to smile flirtaciously with the camera through much of the film. On the occasions when she does speak, her voice is so soft and her words so mumbled that the filmmakers actually choose to subtitle her!
The relationship between the two is perhaps the most interesting and engrossing part of the film. There is a real magic and undeniable chemistry between Jack & Meg that you absolutely cannot turn away from. At the conclusion of the film the payoff moment between Jack & Meg is both poignant and touching in a way I didn't expect. For all those who haven't seen it, I won't spoil it for you- but it really caps off the movie in the most perfect, unexpected way.

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